May 4, 2011

Sales Process for the Design + Build Remodeler

Design Build Profit and six corporate sponsors are hosting a free webinar on Wednesday May 18th at 2:00 PM EST. 

Email info with hyperlinks to registration: 

FREE sales training session for remodelers that want to add a design and build division or enhance an existing one.

Learn how to speed up the entire sales cycle. See how to control all the components of the initial meeting for the shared benefit of the homeowner, company, and sales representative. Discover how professional consultants are able to define the project scope, time frames, and a 100% accurate budget during the first meeting to the point of being able to write an agreement, but then realize why they choose not to.

There will be discounts and promotions from our corporate sponsors for all those in attendance!

Learn how to sell more, faster, and with greater profit...starting with this webinar.

The corporate sponsors include:

Remodeling industry resource website with new topics daily

"We get you noticed online by your target market, increasing traffic to your..."

Remodeling lead generation, qualification, and scheduling services

Custom solutions at packaged prices! On-time, in-budget, and guaranteed!

Internet lead generation service

Manufacturer of exterior remodeling products offering factory-trained installation service

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