This is the first in a series of blog notes as to how improve
the experience of the "remodeling estimate" for remodelers and home
owners alike.
Thorough preparation is the key is improving many activities as well as speeding up the process. The initial meeting between the remodeler and homeowner should not be just the preparation for future meetings, unless time is not important to either party. This first meeting in many ways is like a blind date. There is typically an initial awkwardness with each not knowing the "rules" or procedure. Preparation will help alleviate this and some of the anxiety.
The homeowner's preparation for this meeting should include:
- having a discussion about available funds, financing, and monthly payments
- listing wants and needs separately as to easily convey what you are planning to achieve
- have a clear view of what the long term plan and goal is for the project and home
- have pictures from magazines and/or the internet that depict your likes and dislikes as far as features, style, and colors
- set aside ample time and try to create an environment where you and the remodeler will not be interrupted much during this first meeting to best evaluate the project and each other.
The remodeler's preparation for this meeting should include:
- having a meeting outline and procedure to make the meeting time the most value packed
- have a series of project related questions available - often homeowners do not know what to ask or say
- send the homeowner information and links regarding your company and related projects to preview prior to the meeting
- have an accurate system to be able to discuss investment ranges and options at the initial meeting
- be organized, prepared, and on time for the meeting!
If any homeowner or remodeler would like a copy of our
"What is Really Important to You?" checklist simply request via email
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