Jason, about to leave to go get a contract signed, finds his keyboard does not work. It has something to do with loading a driver for a wireless keyboard. Turns out the wireless keyboard works without the driver that it came with. Why do we even bother?
Remember when it was just clipboards and tape measures? Beepers were the hot technology to have! Oh, I miss those days...and a 32" waist.
Speaking of sales...what does it really come down to? The system doesn't change, just the associated tools, props and displays. What is there in every appointment? YOU. That is the constant. The only thing you can count on. The only thing that you can control. Speaking of control...I feel that is the number one reason for not getting a sale - loosing control of the appointment, the client and the sales system. The system never fails, only we fail the system. Here are the items that need to be present at every appointment to maximize the odds of successful results:
- Pre-call preparation
- Energy and enthusiasm
- Professionalism
- Listening skills
- Observations skills
- Follow the proven system
If any of these six are not included or are not fully in effect, the others are not successful and the likelihood of failure is on the rise.
People buy from those that they like and trust. People respect people that they like or want to be like. How does this happen? Luck? No, it comes from the constant focus on having those six items present and in effect at all times...with or without a laptop, PDA or any other technology or prop.
Happy hunting!
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