May 4, 2008

What a lay down!

Speaking of kitchen sales....

Jason was on an appointment last week.

Two thirds through the presentation...

CLIENT: "How much money do I owe you today?"
JASON: "Nothing today"

After the $72K price presentation...

CLIENT: "Okay what happens now?"
JASON: "You give me a check for $4K and then we start designing and drawing your new kitchen."
CLIENT: "I thought you said I don't have to give you any money today"
JASON: "You don't HAVE to give me a check today, but if you do, you will have your new kitchen sooner and my wife and children will be very happy tonight!"
CLIENT: "Okay. Who do I make the check out to?"

Now why didn't I have that appointment!!!

1 comment:

BNevins.Jr said...

Congratulations Jason!

Someone told me once that "we make our own luck". I'm sure Jason didnt wind up in that house by accident. Isn't it the result of the same marketing program that won MarkOfExcellence an award for "Best Marketing Program" from Remodeling News magazine??

Right place, right time, and proper preperation. I think it's f'n great!

It's refreshing to hear a story like that. It's even better when it happens to me!! I think we earn every laydown we sell. What about all those stiffs that "want to think about it" and we can't forget the ones that MUST "get 3 more estimates before making a decision"... what about those??? We close them somehow but it's nice to get a laydown once in a while.
The reality is We are lucky if we get one or two of those a year. But, that's what happens if you have a kickass marketing program that generates a quality lead flow. Well done! I'm jealous.

I say, enjoy it and forget it because the next 100 sits probably wont be that easy..


ps- what's the number to that customer?? I promise to be a gentleman. After all we do work within a trusted network don't we?