March 27, 2008

What does it for you?

What does it for you? Why do you do what you do?

Many in this sub-culture have fragmented lives, do things outside the norm and don't understand the banality and stability of the 9 to 5ers. So why is this the career path we choose? Is it the money? Is it the Independence? Is it the thrill? Or is it the pride of fulfilling a client's wants and needs?

Share with us...bare your soul, that's if you haven't sold yours yet.

What's your favorite part of the job? It's funny that I actually just referred to it as a job, because I often say that at 46, I've never had a "real job" in my life...LOL.

Now while I'm interested in hearing from ALL, I will not tolerate the impostors. I've met many that claim that they are million dollar producers and expect to make six figures by September. This is not an elitist blog, all are welcome, but don't make claims you can't back up...THANKS

On the other hand, if you're looking for tips and tools you just might find this blog a great platform. As "Ed" said once, "I learn more outside the meetings and training seminars when i just hang out with true sales people at a bar". Just ask our spouses or significant others, who all hate us, all conversations lead back to sales - sounds boring, but I assure you - we ain't!

1 comment:

BNevins.Jr said...

What does it for me? Mostly it is the 'instant gratification' I get from closing a sale NOW. To go into the home of a stranger as a professional and come out in 2-3 hours with a check between 2k-10k and a signed contract for a substantial remodeling project is pretty fantastic. What's better? ....Its an instant feeling of winning. -- Even after hundreds and hundreds of net deals closed on the first sit, the sense of satisfaction never gets old... for me.